
Photographing Vernal Pools, ‘Another Universe’ in Your Backyard

Vernal pools — small, ephemeral forest wetlands — may appear humble, but these complex, keystone ecosystems have an outsized ecological role. So when photographer Tristan Spinski set out to deconstruct them by season, species and life-cycle stage, he captured extraordinary moments above and below the water’s surface. Spinski shared his journey with EJ InSight editor Andrew Cullen, along with some nature photography strategies even for those without impressive gear. Plus, view his images.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Wildfire Preparedness Is a Story Worth Telling — Before ‘Fire Season’

Wildfires in the Texas Panhandle are a good reminder that wildfire season now stretches across much of the year, so environmental journalists would do well to look for ways to localize their reporting on wildfire preparedness. The latest TipSheet offers 10 story ideas and half a dozen reporting resources to tell the story of your community’s wildfire risk.

SEJ Publication Types: 

#SEJSpotlight: David Hammer, Investigative Reporter, WWL-TV

Meet SEJ member David Hammer! David is an investigative reporter at WWL-TV, the CBS affiliate in New Orleans. He has been a professional journalist for more than 25 years in print, wire service and broadcast. His mission is to help improve his community by holding area leaders accountable and exposing fraud and abuse.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Turf Fields May Have ‘Forever Chemicals.’ Should Kids Be Playing On Them?"

"The three 6-year-old girls stood on the sidelines as their coach swabbed their hands. Then they ran onto a lush green turf field and played soccer for 90 minutes straight — no stepping off the pitch. This wasn’t just a practice. It was part of a small experiment conducted in the suburban foothills of San Diego last summer."

Source: Washington Post, 03/15/2024

Gulf Petrochemical Buildout Draws Tax Breaks Despite Pollution Violations

"A booming petrochemical buildout on the Gulf Coast has drawn billions of dollars in public subsidies from state tax abatement programs despite regular violations of pollution permits, according to a new report released Thursday."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/15/2024


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