
March 20, 2024

SEJ Webinar: Stopping Climate Action Mis-Information — How Is the Media Complicit and What Can Journalists Do?

Join SEJ for a webinar exploring how the media shapes public discourse on climate action, a major theme of the upcoming #SEJ2024 annual conference in Philadelphia. Speakers include a conference co-chair, SEJ’s vice president of programs and a panel of environmental advocates. 1:00 p.m. ET.


"New York City Ready to Expand Greenways Along Rivers, Railways and Parks"

"Community organizers say the multi-use paths protected from vehicle traffic can connect the city’s boroughs and help increase climate resilience as rainfall, flooding and storms all become more intense."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/11/2024

Tribes Meet With Commission on Human Rights Describe Harms of Uranium Mining

"As spiking uranium prices drive a surge of proposals for new mines, the Navajo Nation joined the Ute Mountain Ute, Havasupai, Northern Arapaho and Oglala Sioux tribes in a commission hearing with federal officials to push back against mining on and near their lands."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/11/2024

"US Natural Gas Pipeline Accidents Pose Big, Unreported Climate Threat"

"Accidental pipeline leaks – caused by things like punctures, corrosion, severe weather and faulty equipment - happen routinely and are a climate menace that is not currently counted in the official U.S. tally of greenhouse gas emissions, according to a Reuters examination of public data and regulatory documents."

Source: Reuters, 03/11/2024

"US Treasury Drops Plan to Collect Insurer Data on Climate Risks"

"The US government is stepping away from its effort to collect data on home insurance prices and availability at the Zip code level as premiums soar and climate risks to property intensify. Instead, it will join in a collaborative effort with state insurance regulators."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/11/2024

How the Meat Industry Infiltrated Universities to Obstruct Climate Policy

"New research sheds light on the scope of the livestock industry’s influence over prominent agricultural research centers at two public universities. In a paper recently published in the journal Climatic Change, researchers detail how the meat industry funds credentialed academics to “obstruct unfavorable policies,” especially those targeting the industry’s largely unregulated methane emissions."

Source: Civil Eats, 03/11/2024


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