
"Sierra Nevada Snowpack At Lowest Level In 10 Years"

"California’s statewide Sierra Nevada snowpack — the source of nearly one-third of the state’s water supply — is at its lowest level in a decade, a major turnaround from last year when huge storms ended a three-year drought and buried ski resorts in massive amounts of snow."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 01/04/2024

"Could 2024 Be A Breakout Year For The Transmission Grid?"

"Study after study has found the country can’t build renewable energy at the pace needed to rapidly decarbonize the power grid without also building a massive amount of new power lines, fast. But over the past half-decade, grid growth has slowed, not accelerated, bogged down by conflicts over siting, permitting and paying for new transmission capacity."

Source: Canary Media, 01/04/2024

"Secretive Hydrogen Hub Talks Test Energy Agency Community Plans"

"The Biden administration is negotiating with hydrogen industry leaders on legally binding commitments involving tens of thousands of new jobs and lower emissions, a pledge crucial to winning community support and achieving US environmental justice goals."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 01/04/2024

Proposed Youngstown Tires-To-Gas Plant Paused Over Environmental Justice

"Officials in Youngstown, Ohio, have dealt a setback to a company’s plan to build and operate a recycled tire waste-to-energy plant near the center of the city and adjacent to a neighborhood of predominantly Black residents, enacting a one-year moratorium on such industrial processes."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/04/2024
January 26, 2024

DEADLINE: John Bartlow Martin Award for Public Interest Magazine Journalism

Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications invites applications until Jan 26, 2024 for this $4,000 award recognizing single stories or series work shedding light on the causes, consequences and remedies of problems in American society.

Topics on the Beat: 
February 16, 2024

DEADLINE: NAHJ Student Project

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists invites applications from member college students who want the opportunity to work on improving their skills in a newsroom setting during the organization's 2024 national convention in Hollywood, CA, July 8-14, expenses paid. Deadline to apply is Feb 16.

Topics on the Beat: 
February 16, 2024

DEADLINE: NAHJ Scholarships

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists invites applications from US and Puerto Rican graduate and undergraduate students who plan to work in English and/or Spanish-language journalism. Scholarships range from $1,500 to $5,000. Deadline to apply is Feb 16, 2024.

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