
"Energy Industry Is on Alert Against Increasing Cyberattacks"

"WASHINGTON -- Last year the hacker group Anonymous broke into computer systems of oil companies including Shell, Exxon Mobil and BP as a protest against Arctic drilling. The next month, a different set of hackers infected the computers of Saudi Arabia’s national oil company with a damaging virus that knocked 30,000 workstations offline."

Source: McClatchy, 11/22/2013

"How Industrial Agriculture Has Thwarted Factory Farm Reforms"

"In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Robert Martin, co-author of a recent study on industrial farm animal production, explains how a powerful and intransigent agriculture lobby has successfully fought off attempts to reduce the harmful environmental and health impacts of mass livestock production."

Source: Yale Environment 360, 11/22/2013
December 9, 2013 to December 12, 2013

Society for Risk Analysis Meeting in Baltimore, MD

Key policy issues are up for discussion at the SRA's annual meeting in Baltimore, MD. Sessions will include sustainability, Big Data, bioterrorism, nanotechnology, toxics, climate change, food safety and whether regulation kills jobs, among many others.

Topics on the Beat: 
December 4, 2013

The Fracking Revolution: Finding Energy Stories Everywhere

In a one-hour, free webinar on Dec. 4, NPR's Marilyn Geewax will help you understand how fracking's unleashing of massive amounts of fossil fuels is changing all of our lives. Two times available: noon or 4pm ET.


"These Members of Congress Are Bankrolled by the Fracking Industry"

"The growing fracking industry is 'yielding gushers' of campaign donations for congressional candidates—particularly Republicans from districts with fracking activity—according to a new report from the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington."

Source: Mother Jones, 11/21/2013


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