
Probe: 30-Minute Radio Blackout Before 19 Arizona Firefighters Died

"PRESCOTT, Ariz. -- A three-month investigation into the June deaths of 19 Arizona firefighters found that the men ceased radio communication for a half hour before they were killed in a wildfire blaze, but did not assign fault. Some family members say that reluctance could put other lives in danger."

Source: AP, 09/30/2013

"In Fragmented Forests, Rapid Mammal Extinctions"

"In 1987, the government of Thailand launched a huge, unplanned experiment. They built a dam across the Khlong Saeng river, creating a 60-square-mile reservoir. As the Chiew Larn reservoir rose, it drowned the river valley, transforming 150 forested hilltops into islands, each with its own isolated menagerie of wildlife."

Source: NY Times, 09/27/2013


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