
"Ducks Played Key Role In China's H7N9 Flu Outbreak, Scientists Say"

"The World Health Organization says that at least 135 people in China have been sickened by the H7N9 flu strain, and 44 have died. Most likely, these victims got the virus from chickens sold in live poultry markets. But where did the chickens get it? From ducks, who got it from wild migratory birds, scientists now say."

Source: LA Times, 08/22/2013

"House GOP Plans Mega-Hearing on Climate Change"

"After virtually ignoring the nation's biggest environmental issue for years, Republican leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee are planning a major hearing on climate change on Sept. 18 and are inviting leaders of 13 federal agencies to testify. It will be the first time since President Obama unveiled his climate action plan in June that administration officials will testify on Capitol Hill about the agenda."

Source: National Journal, 08/22/2013

"New EPA Chief To Visit Alaska Over Controversial Mine Proposal"

"WASHINGTON -- New Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy plans to visit the site of Alaska’s proposed Pebble Mine next week as she decides whether to block the massive project to protect one of the world’s last big runs of wild salmon."

Source: McClatchy, 08/22/2013

"Syrian Government Accused Again Of Using Chemical Weapons"

"Anti-government activists in Syria are accusing President Bashar al-Assad's forces of deploying a chemical weapons attack on the suburbs of the capital, Damascus. The government denied the attack, but the allegations have prompted the United Nations to call an emergency meeting. Melissa Block talks to Washington Post reporter Loveday Morris for more."

Source: NPR, 08/22/2013

PA: "Public Aids Crackdown on Gas Plant in Chartiers"

"Residents have complained for years about thick black smoke and possible pollution coming from the MarkWest gas plant in Chartiers. But the state Department of Environmental Protection said it couldn't take action because it had no evidence. On Tuesday, the department said it had the goods."

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 08/21/2013


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