
May 15, 2013

DEADLINE: Middlebury Fellowships in Environmental Journalism

The Middlebury Fellowships, directed by Bill McKibben, each year help 10 early-career journalists work through an ambitious reporting project from the beginning through publication or broadcast. The program runs week-long residencies for the selected Fellows at Middlebury College, VT, in the fall and at Monterey Institute for International Studies, CA, in the spring. $10,000 stipend. Apply by May 15, 2013.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Composting Efforts Gain Traction Across the United States"

"Roy Derrick maneuvered his forklift with a pallet of neatly boxed expired produce and flowers and dropped it into an industrial compactor at Safeway's cavernous return center in Upper Marlboro. As the compactor hummed, compressed food and floral scraps spilled through a chute into a 40-foot trailer, one of five that would make the weekly trip to composting centers in Delaware or Virginia."

Source: Wash Post, 02/04/2013

"White House, Key Congress Members Still Committed To Arctic Drilling"

"WASHINGTON -- Critics want a halt to offshore Arctic drilling in the wake of Shell's latest mishap in the waters off Alaska but there's no sign the Obama administration and key members of Congress are backing off their support for drilling in the sensitive region."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 02/04/2013

"Sandy's Wake Leaves Shore Birds in Dire Straits"

"When red knots descend on the beaches of Delaware Bay this spring famished from their marathon flight toward the Canadian Arctic from the tip of South America, the rosy-breasted shorebirds may find slim pickings instead of the feast of horseshoe crab eggs they count on to fuel the rest of their migration."

Source: AP, 02/04/2013


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