
"After Failed Climate Coverage, CNN Reports Americans Don't Understand Climate Change"

"Promoting a recent poll, CNN is treating climate change as a matter of opinion, saying Americans are divided over whether or not it is real. But the network itself has fueled such confusion, often failing to report that manmade emissions are driving climate change or giving credence to those who deny the science behind it."

Source: Media Matters, 01/24/2013

"Deep Freeze: in Northern US, Mercury Plunges, Heating Costs Rise"

"Last winter may have been mild, but now, temperatures are plunging in the Midwest – some 20 to 30 degrees below normal. The arctic blast, which is moving through the Ohio Valley into the Northeast, coincides with a historic increase in home heating costs this winter, particularly in New England. The deep freeze is expected to last into the weekend."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 01/23/2013


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