
"This Year's Hurricane Season Offered Mixed Messages"

"MIAMI -- Hurricane season 2012, which officially ends Saturday, will go down in hstory as the year of Superstorm Sandy, which carved a path of death and devastation from the Caribbean to the Jersey Shore."

"Scientifically speaking, it also was notable for something it was not: intense. For the third consecutive season, the tropics churned out what not long ago would rank as an abnormally large number of storms - yet curiously only one of 19 managed to reach Category 3 strength.

Source: Miami Herald, 12/03/2012

Sea Trial Leaves Shell's Arctic Oil-Spill Gear "Crushed Like A Beer Can"

Shell Oil and federal regulators have been tight-lipped about a failed test of the energy giant's Arctic oil-spill equipment, currently under construction in Washington state. But a freedom-of-information request by KUOW reveals what went wrong beneath the surface of Puget Sound.

Source: KUOW, 12/03/2012
December 14, 2012

State and Regional Regulatory Trends in Hydraulic Fracturing

This Environmental Law Institute program is the third in a 5-part series, Environmental Impacts of Shale Development and Hydraulic Fracturing: Key Legal Issues and Future Directions, that offers an in-depth examination of the environmental law and policy issues facing companies, governments, activist groups, and citizens who are concerned about this critical area of our nation’s energy infrastructure. Available via telephone seminar or audio webcast. (You do not have to participate in the entire series to benefit from the information provided in each individual program.)

December 11, 2012

E.U. Environmental Law and Policy Developments: The Business View from Brussels

Join the panelists from the Environmental Law Institute and the Kingdom of Belgium for an afternoon of sessions on EU product regulations and climate change policy, followed by a smorgasbord of Belgian cuisine at no charge!

December 5, 2012

Point Sources and Pollutants: Using the Clean Water Act to Regulate Offshore Aquaculture Discharges

Aquaculture is an increasingly important component of the world food supply, but it causes a variety of environmental impacts. This webinar brings together experts from the Environmental Law Institute, EPA, and academia to explore questions related to the application of the Clean Water Act to offshore aquaculture.


SEJ Member Spotlight: Reporting Colleagues Jane Braxton Little and Winifred Bird

SEJ freelancers Jane Braxton Little (left) and Winnie Bird are collaborating on a series of articles about forest ecology, management, and human health in the aftermath of nuclear disaster. This fall, with support from the Fund for Environmental Journalism, Jane flew from California to Ukraine to report for the stories while Winnie drove to Fukushima from her home in Nagano, Japan.



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