
Romney, Wooing Farmers, Attacks Phantom Obama Carbon Dioxide Rules

"Mitt Romney's campaign opened an attack on the Obama administration's climate change policies yesterday by warning farmers that greenhouse gas regulations could hike fuel prices. He also suggested that President Obama might pursue a carbon-pinching cap-and-trade program if he wins the election."

Source: ClimateWire, 10/11/2012

Livecast: Earth Institute Launches "State of Planet" Conf 9 am ET Today

The Earth Institute at Columbia University held a "State of the Planet" conference today, in New York city. It was open to the public, online, and interactive. Twitter hashtag: #SOP2012. A star-studded list of major speakers included Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. An archived video of the event will be posted when ready. See the SOP website.

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