
"Taxes Threaten a Culture in Georgia"

"SAPELO ISLAND, Ga. -- Once the huge property tax bills started coming, telephones started ringing. It did not take long for the 50 or so people who live on this largely undeveloped barrier island to realize that life was about to get worse. Sapelo Island, a tangle of salt marsh and sand reachable only by boat, holds the largest community of people who identify themselves as saltwater Geechees. Sometimes called the Gullahs, they have inhabited the nation’s southeast coast for more than two centuries. Theirs is one of the most fragile cultures in America."

Source: NY Times, 09/26/2012

Fracking Regulations In States Leave Wells Without Inspection: Enviros

"Hundreds of thousands of active oil and gas wells go without government inspection in any given year, and fines for regulatory violations are too small to change drilling company behavior, according to an energy watchdog group's review of regulation and enforcement activities in six states."

Source: Huffington Post, 09/26/2012

Earth Journalism Network and SEJ Petition Cambodia To Investigate Journalist's Murder

The petition presses the Cambodian government for a full investigation into the murder of journalist Hang Serei Oudom, who was killed in Cambodia in September 2012. He had reportedly been covering illegal logging activities currently causing massive deforestation of the Cambodian forest.


Ocean Acidification Threatens Food Security: Report

"Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines, Iran, and China are among the top 50 nations whose food security may be threatened by the effects that the rise of manmade carbon-dioxide (CO2) gas emissions are already starting to have on fish and shellfish, according to a new report by Oceana, an international ocean conservation organization."

Source: Climate Central, 09/25/2012


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