
"Russell E. Train, Former EPA Head, Dies at 92"

"Russell E. Train, a former tax court judge whose awakening on safari sparked a new career in environmental activism, as head of the nascent Environmental Protection Agency and as the first president of the World Wildlife Fund's American chapter, died Sept. 17 at his farm in Bozman, Md. He was 92."

Source: Wash Post, 09/18/2012

SEJ Member Spotlight: Edward Humes

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Edward Humes started his writing career in newspaper reporting, then moved to nonfiction books. Humes is currently updating his latest book, Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair With Trash, researching his next environmentally themed book, and finishing a magazine article on the 80+ communities in California that are considering or have adopted bans on plastic grocery bags.


"It's Only Natural: the Quest for Chemical-Free Swimming Pools"

"Chlorine has long been the industry standard to keep pool water clean and clear, but consumer demand for alternatives has prompted the emergence of new technologies, including the saltwater systems that came into vogue a few years ago and the copper-and-silver ionization and ozone-gas systems that are increasingly popular."

Source: LA Times, 09/17/2012

Surrogate Debate Offers Peek Into Candidates' Stands on Farm Issues

A debate in Iowa last week between presidential candidates' surrogates feature the Romney camp alleging environmental regulations would hurt farmers, while Obama's team emphasized the help his administration had offered to suffering farmers.

"Speaking on behalf of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) yesterday blasted the Obama administration for environmental regulations he said were stifling farmers and ranchers.

Source: E&E Daily, 09/17/2012


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