
COOL TOOL: Poligraft Helps Journos Sniff out Slanted Sources

The system was developed by the Sunlight Foundation, the National Institute on Money in State Politics, and the Center for Responsive Politics. Just paste in some text or the Web address of an online article, and within seconds Poligraft supplies much of the missing context.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Directory of Open Access Journals a Boon for Environmental Reporters

The rebellion against commercial and subscription-only publishers over public access to articles based on taxpayer-funded research is gaining ground. The Directory — free, searchable and online — already includes some 819742, full-text, scientific or scholarly articles in 7885 journals.

SEJ Publication Types: 

E-Mail Disclosure Could Play Role in BP Gulf Spill Case

A federal judge has denied BP's bid to see 21 e-mails and other documents sent between the White House and other federal agencies. More chilling, perhaps, was BP's effort to get e-mails sent by two private-sector scientists in an apparent effort to discredit their work.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

International Energy Agency Calls for Fracking Transparency

A new report from the IEA includes guidelines emphasizing transparency and the monitoring of environmental and social impacts. That includes full disclosure of fracking fluid ingredients and testing of baseline water and air conditions before drilling begins.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Enviros Challenge Transparency of Virginia Uranium Mining Deliberations

A company wants to mine Virginia's major uranium deposit so the state formed a multi-agency panel to study ending the three-decade ban on uranium mining. That panel hired a consulting firm that critics say was stacked with experts affiliated with the nuclear industry.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"FACT CHECK: Oil Stats Belie Tough Enforcement Talk"

"WASHINGTON -- In the three years since President Barack Obama took office, Republicans have made the Environmental Protection Agency a lightning rod for complaints that his administration has been too tough on oil and gas producers. But an Associated Press analysis of enforcement data over the past decade finds that's not the case. In fact, the EPA went after producers more often in the years of Republican President George W. Bush, a former Texas oilman, than under Obama."

Source: Miami Herald, 06/13/2012


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