
June 1, 2012

DEADLINE: Fellowships for Translating Science/Telling Stories: "Agriculture, Water Quality & Changing the Climate Conversation"

U.S. journalists and scientists: Apply by June 1st for an expenses-paid fellowship to participate in this July 9-10, 2012 workshop at the Kellogg Biological Station in Hickory Corners, MI, co-sponsored by SEJ and MSU's Knight Center for Environmental Journalism. You'll get out in the field to hear about climate change and Great Lakes agriculture impacts, board boats to talk about the threat to inland waters and discuss with colleagues new ways of connecting with your intended audience.


"Kentucky Tests Find Lead-Tainted Soil Near Homes"

"Environmental regulators in Kentucky have found high levels of lead contamination at a former foundry site in Newport that is located next to homes. In Portland, Ore., state officials said Thursday that they will start canvassing a neighborhood near a former lead factory site as they prepare to test yards there for contamination."

Source: USA TODAY, 05/25/2012

"Hurricane Bud Weakens as It Aims for Mexico's Pacific Coast

The Atlantic Hurricane season starts officially June 1. Hurricane Bud, a Pacific storm, weakened to Category 2 as it approached Mexico, and NOAA is watching another potential storm off the East coast of Florida. Tropical storm Alberto, which formed Saturday off South Carolina, dissipated Tuesday over the Atlantic without ever reaching shore. Meanwhile, NOAA issued its official forecast, which echoed earlier private forecasts for a fairly normal 2012 season, despite the early start.

Source: AP, 05/25/2012

"Beijing Accuses U.S. of Trade Violations in Energy Sector"

"BEIJING --  China’s Commerce Ministry accused the United States government on Thursday of violating free-trade rules through support for six renewable energy projects, but did not identify the projects or the trade rules that had allegedly been violated. It was the latest volley in a widening conflict between the two countries over clean power.

The United States and China, the world’s two biggest energy users, have pledged to work together to develop renewable sources. But they accuse each other of improperly subsidizing or protecting their manufacturers.

Source: AP, 05/25/2012

"Frack-Friendly New Report Debunked"

"Earlier this month, the State University of New York at Buffalo released a report concluding that fracking is getting safer, as both industry and regulators are doing a better job. The study got plenty of coverage--the Associated Press, Forbes, WGRZ, Buffalo News--but in the week since it was released, it's been attacked for a number of flaws."

Source: Mother Jones, 05/25/2012


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