
"Frank Knight Dead: 'Herbie' The Elm Tree Caretaker Dies At 103"

"PORTLAND, Maine -- Frank Knight's decades-long battle to save New England's tallest elm served as an inspiring tale of devotion, so it is fitting that he will be laid to rest in a coffin made from the tree he made famous. Knight, who died Monday at 103, had affectionately referred to the 217-year-old elm nicknamed Herbie as "an old friend." The massive tree succumbed to Dutch elm disease and was cut down two years ago."

Source: AP, 05/16/2012

Groups Fight Duke Plan To Bill NC Customers for Nuke Before It's Built

"Consumer, environmental and anti-nuclear advocates said Monday they will fight proposed state legislation allowing Duke Energy to more easily pass costs of a new nuclear plant on to N.C. customers."

"Duke wants N.C. lawmakers to allow it to recoup nuclear pre-construction and financing costs without filing a lengthy general rate case. The bill would instead let utilities adjust rates annually to recover those costs, something South Carolina, Georgia and Florida already allow."

Source: Charlotte Observer, 05/16/2012

Poll: Americans Trust Obama More Than Romney on Climate; Want Action

A new poll shows more Americans (47%) trust President Obama on climate issues than those who trust GOP contender George Romney (21%). Some 66% percent believe global warming is happening. A previous poll showed 72% think climate change should be a priority for both the president and Congress. The poll, conducted by Yale and George Mason University researchers, had a 3% margin of error.

Source: Greenwire, 05/16/2012

"Stakes High in Bonn Climate Talks: Global Deal, $100B Fund"

"BONN -- Governments met in Bonn Monday to tackle curbing global greenhouse gas emissions and helping developing countries adapt to the unavoidable effects of climate change. During the next 10 days, they will work towards writing a global, legally-binding climate agreement, extending the Kyoto Protocol into a second commitment period, and building funding support for developing nations to US$100 billion a year by 2020."

Source: ENS, 05/15/2012


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