
Loss of Coast Zone Program Hurts Alaska's Beluga Whale Case

"Back in February, the Parnell administration told a judge that Cook Inlet beluga whales didn't need the protection of the federal Endangered Species Act because the state was perfectly capable of protecting them itself, in part because of the Alaska Coastal Management Program. But in a notice belatedly filed in the case Friday, the Alaska attorney general's office acknowledged the state had lost that conservation and enforcement tool four months ago."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 11/01/2011

"U.S. To Require Details Of Fracking On Federal Land"

"The Interior Department plans to issue a proposal soon forcing companies to reveal the chemicals they use in the so-called fracking drilling process on federal lands, as the Obama administration responds to public safety concerns over the shale exploration boom."

Source: Reuters, 11/01/2011

Global Warming Worsens Weather Extremes, IPCC Climate Panel To Say

"Freakish weather disasters – from the sudden October snowstorm in the Northeast U.S. to the record floods in Thailand – are striking more often. And global warming is likely to spawn more similar weather extremes at a huge cost, says a draft summary of an international climate report obtained by The Associated Press."

Source: AP, 11/01/2011
January 19, 2024

DEADLINE: Fund for Environmental Journalism (FEJ) Grant Opportunity

Jan 19 is the extended deadline for the next round of SEJ's Fund for Environmental Journalism story grants. Journalism projects must cover the clean energy transition in the U.S. Grants up to $5000; stipends up to $2500 for nonprofit news staffers or freelancers.

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