
August 31, 2024

DEADLINE: Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival seeks submissions for its 22nd annual event in Feb 2025. Open to non-fiction films and videos of all genres, subject matter, lengths and production dates. Cash prizes. 2024 deadlines: Jun 30 (early); Aug 31 (regular); Oct 13 (final).

Topics on the Beat: 

"Scientists Crack Black Death's Genetic Code"

"Scientists have mapped out the entire genetic map of the Black Death, a 14th century bubonic plague that killed 50 million Europeans in one of the most devastating epidemics in history.

The work, which involved extracting and purifying DNA from the remains of Black death victims buried in London's "plague pits," is the first time scientists have been able to draft a reconstructed genome of any ancient pathogen.

Source: Reuters, 10/13/2011

"White House Blasts Rep. Mckinley’S Coal Ash Bill"

The Obama White House issued a strong statement Wednesday opposing a bill by Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) that would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating the disposal of coal ash. A 2008 failure of a TVA coal-ash in Kingston, Tennessee, caused major property and environmental damage. EPA administrator Lisa Jackson took office vowing to regulate coal-ash pollution, but has delayed action under White House and industry pressure.

Source: Coal Tattoo, 10/13/2011

Before Obama Retreat on Ozone, EPA Chief Feared Illnesses and Deaths

"When President Obama retreated from a tougher stance on smog last month, his Environmental Protection Agency chief had formally concluded that the existing standard endangered thousands of Americans, including children and people with respiratory ailments."

Source: iWatch News, 10/13/2011

Industry Shifts on BPA After Spending Millions to Fight Legislation

"The email from the American Chemistry Council took Gretchen Lee Salter's breath away. The ACC email that arrived Friday afternoon said there's no reason to worry about bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and children's sippy cups because the controversial plastic additive is no longer used in those products in the United States."

Source: Greenwire, 10/13/2011

"In Fish-Kill Mystery, EPA Scientist Points at Shale Drilling"

EPA's official investigation of a massive 2009 fish kill in West Virginia's Dunkard Creek ended by blaming the pollution squarely on Consol Energy's Blacksville No. 2 mine. But an EPA biologist said that coal mine drainage alone was not enough to explain the problem -- and that contamination of mine pools by methane and water from the Marcellus Shale formation was possibly an additional cause.

Source: Greenwire, 10/13/2011

"Industry, Enviros Gird for U.N. Battle Over Deep-Sea Trawling"

"UNITED NATIONS -- Conservationists and the international fishing industry are gearing up for another showdown over the fishing method known as bottom trawling next month, when U.N. officials return to what has probably been the most intensely debated fisheries issue to feature here over the last decade."

Source: Greenwire, 10/13/2011


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