
"Crews Rush to Corral Wildfires in Northern Rockies"

"BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Crews facing adverse weather forecasts rushed to bolster protective lines around blazes that have scorched tens of thousands of acres in the Northern Rockies, while firefighters in Oregon worked to corral a range fire that forced a kids' science camp to evacuate.

Fire conditions rose to critical Thursday as steady winds fanned several blazes and scattered storms threatened to spark new ones across Montana, north central Idaho and northwest Wyoming.

Source: AP, 08/26/2011

"Alert Extends Up the East Coast as Hurricane Irene Closes In"

"DUCK, N.C. — Hurricane watches were posted for New York and much of the Northeast on Friday morning as Hurricane Irene jogged northward, putting the whole of the East Coast on alert.

The hurricane warning that was put into effect in North Carolina on Thursday was extended by the National Hurricane Center to Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey on Friday morning, indicating that preparations for the storm should be completed as soon as possible.

Source: NY Times, 08/26/2011
December 10, 2023

DEADLINE: USC Annenberg California Health Equity Journalism Fellowship

USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism's expenses-paid California Fellowship, Mar 11-14, 2024, is open to California-based professional journalists (including freelancers and national correspondents with California-focused projects). Includes stipend, training, potential grants and specialized mentoring. Apply by Dec 10.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Canadian Medical Association Slams Feds' 'Shameful' Asbestos Stance"

"ST. JOHN'S — Canada's doctors are condemning the Harper government for its 'shameful' decision to block listing asbestos as a hazardous product.

Delegates to the Canadian Medical Association's general assembly voted nearly unanimously — 99 per cent — in support of a motion Wednesday opposing the federal government for contesting the international designation of chrysotile asbestos as a hazardous substance.

Source: Postmedia, 08/25/2011


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