
Forest Fire Retardants Not Always the Hero

The most commonly used slurry mixtures can be toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, and algae, can harm rabbits, birds, and humans, and can reduce vegetative diversity and boost the growth of weeds. Slurries and foams are mostly water, but they also include ammonium fertilizer, detergent, and other ingredients.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Report: Assessing Public Lands and Survival of Birds

Prepared by a large coalition of government agencies and NGOs, the report generally focuses on the condition of bird species in each of the broad habitat types, as well as the roles of various federal and state agencies and the relationships of species survival on public vs. private lands.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Clergy, Doctors, Industry Debate New Mercury Rules At EPA Hearing"

"First, Rabbi Daniel Swartz leaned toward the microphone at Tuesday's hearing on proposed federal rules to limit mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants. By allowing emissions to continue, "we have, in effect subsidized the poisoning of fetuses and children," the Scranton rabbi said."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 05/25/2011


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