
Scientists’ Report Stresses Urgency of Limiting Greenhouse Emissions

"The nation’s scientific establishment issued a stark warning to the American public on Thursday: Not only is global warming real, but the effects are already becoming serious and the need has become 'pressing' for a strong national policy to limit emissions of heat-trapping gases."

Source: NY Times, 05/13/2011

"Panel on Nuclear Waste Disposal to Propose Above-Ground Storage"

"A commission created to help resolve the impasse over the disposal of the nation’s nuclear waste will propose establishing one or more sites where used reactor fuel could be stored in steel and concrete structures on the earth’s surface for decades, members of the commission said this week."

Source: NY Times, 05/13/2011

"Disaster Plan Problems Found at U.S. Nuclear Plants"

"Despite repeated assurances that American nuclear plants are better equipped to deal with natural disasters than their counterparts in Japan, regulators said Thursday that recent inspections had found serious problems with some emergency equipment that would have made it unusable in an accident."

Source: NY Times, 05/13/2011

SEJ Promotes Science-Journalism Connection, Alters Funding Policy To Build More Stable Organization

SEJ ushered in 2011 with an event at the University of California, Santa Barbara that explored the communication challenges journalists and scientists face. And the SEJ board votes to allow limited gifts of unrestricted general support from anyone who supports SEJ’s mission. Read more from SEJ President Carolyn Whetzel.

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