
Poor, Mexican-American CA Kids Have High Levels of Flame Retardants

"Mexican American school children in California are contaminated with seven times more flame retardants than children in Mexico and three times more than their own mothers, according to a new study. The 7-year-olds in the Salinas Valley had more of the chemicals in their bodies than almost all other people tested worldwide."

Source: EHN, 04/20/2011

"10 Reasons To Still Be Pissed Off About the BP Disaster"

Today is the anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon blowout that caused a catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. The consequences to people, natural resources, and industries are still happening, and just beginning to be understood. BP is making profits, paying dividends, and having protestors from the Gulf hustled out of its shareholder meetings by police. The tarballs? Security guards patrolling Louisiana public beaches still prevent journalists from filming them. The $20 billion in compensation set aside by BP has not prevented many people from feeling that their lives have been ruined by the event. Elected officials have resumed the chant: "Drill, baby, drill." Now Freedom-of-Information requests have brought to light documentation that the UK government refused to go to war in Iraq without guarantees that BP and other British firms would get a share of the conquered nation's oil.

Source: Mother Jones, 04/20/2011
May 5, 2011 to May 6, 2011

The City: 2nd International Conference

Part of Interdisciplinary Themes Conferences, The City: 2nd International Conference will focus on culture, society and technology in the urban environment.



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