
Wildfire Mitigation Work Continues This Spring

Wildfire season has begun. Some of the areas going up in flames include the increasingly developed zone known as the wildland-urban interface, where fire risks are most apparent to people. One of the steps being taken to help reduce the hazard is fuel reduction work that thins out or removes dense tree stands, making them less prone to wildfire, or at least easier to control when they do burn.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
May 2, 2011

DEADLINE: USC Annenberg Mini Fellowship/Reporting Grant

Call for Applications! Based at USC's Annenberg School of Journalism, The California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships offer professional journalists this opportunity to apply for an all-expenses-paid mini fellowship with $2,000-$10,000 reporting grant. Grantees spend the week of July 24 - 29, 2011 in Los Angeles. Students are ineligible. Apply by May 2, 2011.



"Obama to Set Goal of One-Third Cut in Oil Imports"

"WASHINGTON — With gasoline prices rising, oil supplies from the Middle East pinched by political upheaval and growing calls in Congress for expanded domestic oil and gas production, President Obama on Wednesday will set a goal of a one-third reduction in oil imports over the next decade, aides said Tuesday."

Source: NY Times, 03/30/2011

"Group Seeks Labor E-Mails by Michigan Professors"

"A conservative research group in Michigan has issued a far-reaching public records request to the labor studies departments at three public universities in the state, seeking any e-mails involving the Wisconsin labor turmoil." Among the professors under assault by the secretive conservatives is William Cronon, one of the foremost environmental historians in the United States.

Source: NY Times, 03/30/2011


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