
July 13, 2023

ICFJ Webinar: Threads for Journalists, Mathematics Solutions for Crises

ICFJ's second math webinar features mathematician and AI entrepreneur Dr. África Periáñez, on how math helps solve global crises, plus a discussion on how journalists can use Instagram's new app Threads. At the end of the series, participants are eligible for a USD500 story grant. 10:30am ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

"U.S. Animal Industries Pose Disease Risks to People, Report Says"

"The United States is home to an enormous array of animal industries — including industrial agriculture, fur farming and the exotic pet trade — that pose a significant risk of creating infectious disease outbreaks in humans, according to a new report by experts at Harvard Law School and New York University."

Source: NYTimes, 07/07/2023

U.N. Watchdog Says Japan Can Release Nuclear Waste Water Into The Ocean

"The International Atomic Energy Agency has approved a plan by Japan to release more than a million tons of treated nuclear waste water from the destroyed Fukushima power plant into the ocean, despite vehement international opposition."

Source: NPR, 07/07/2023


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