
NYC's Bike Lanes Are 'Homegrown Terrorism,' Say Red-Faced Opponents

"'Share the Road' has one potential fatal flaw: It involves sharing, which a lot of purported adults haven't really mastered. Matthew Shaer's exhaustive history of the NYC bike lane struggle, in this week's New York magazine, shows just how much people have to mature before a community -- even Brooklyn -- can become truly bike-friendly. Step one: Stop calling bike lanes 'homegrown terrorism.'"

Source: Grist, 03/22/2011

"California's Global Warming Law Takes a Hit"

"In a setback that could stall the rollout of California's landmark climate change law, a court in San Francisco has ruled that the state must spend more time studying alternatives to the measure's key feature -- a cap-and-trade program on greenhouse gas emissions -- before it goes into effect Jan. 1."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 03/22/2011


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