
"100 Year First: Dam Removal Opens New Jersey's Raritan River to Fish"

"New Jersey has negotiated removal of three dams on the Raritan River as compensation to the public for harm to natural resources from pollution at a refinery and three polymer plants operated by or affiliated with the Houston-based El Paso Corporation."

Source: ENS, 01/26/2011

"F.D.A and Dairy Industry Spar Over Testing of Milk"

After illegally high levels of antibiotics were routinely found in dairy cows headed for the slaughterhouse, the Food and Drug Administration decided to test milk from the farms those cows came from. Dairy farmers, worried more about profits than antibiotic resistance that could sicken their customers, have objected. Now the two sides may be looking for win-win solutions. Meanwhile, testing is on hold.

Source: NY Times, 01/26/2011

La 21ava Conferencia Anual de la SEJ, Miami, Oct. 19-23, 2011

El congreso de SEJ en Miami tendrá sesiones llenas de noticias tan oportunas, tan relevantes a sus regiones, y de contenido tan apasionante, que los periodistas se animarán a enviarlas desde la misma conferencia. Tenderemos puentes entre los temas ambientales para conectar los asuntos comunes sobresalientes en todas las Américas y el resto del mundo.



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