
"Japanese Whalers, Sea Shepherd Whale Defenders Head for Whale Wars"

"Japan's whaling fleet has been scaled back and today departed late for the Southern Ocean aiming to catch hundreds of minke whales and 50 fin whales." They will be met and harassed by a three-ship flotilla from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which includes a new high-speed trimaran interceptor and video crews from Animal Planet.

Source: ENS, 12/03/2010

"Great Lakes Mayors Sound Alarm Over Radioactive Shipment"

"A binational coalition of over 70 mayors from Quebec, Ontario and the eight Great Lake States fear that the proposed maritime shipment of 16 giant radioactive steam generators from Ontario's Bruce Power to Sweden for recycling could release radioactivity into the water in the event of an accident during shipment."

Source: ENS, 12/03/2010

"Inspectors Adrift in Rig-Safety Push"

"Seven months after the Deepwater Horizon exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, the troubled federal agency that oversees offshore drilling has been revamped, renamed and given a new leader with a mandate to turn what critics called an industry lapdog into an effective watchdog. But there's at least one big change the agency hasn't made: fixing its deeply flawed inspection program."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 12/03/2010

"Food Security Wanes as World Warms"

"Since summer, signs of severe food insecurity — droughts, food riots, five- to tenfold increases in produce costs — have erupted around the globe. Several new reports now argue that regionally catastrophic crop failures — largely due to heat stress — are signals that global warming may have begun outpacing the ability of farmers to adapt."

Source: Science News, 12/03/2010
January 19, 2011 to January 21, 2011

Our Changing Oceans - NCSE's 11th National Conference on Science, Policy, and the Environment

The conference will provide a forum, divided into eight themes, to address the crisis facing our oceans, new knowledge and innovative tools to address the challenge, and the policy and governance needed to restore and protect the oceans.



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