
"Economic Study Funded by Prop. 23 Backers Questioned"

A study claiming that California's Proposition 23 would create jobs failed to disclose that it was funded by big out-of-state oil companies and the Koch brothers, who have been anonymously funding political causes that boost profits of their oil business. Proposition 23 would delay California's climate change law, which environmentalists say would create green jobs.

Source: Sacramento Bee, 10/25/2010

"Massive Stretches of Weathered Oil Spotted in Gulf of Mexico"

"Just three days after the U.S. Coast Guard admiral in charge of the BP oil spill cleanup declared little recoverable surface oil remained in the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana fishers Friday found miles-long strings of weathered oil floating toward fragile marshes on the Mississippi River delta."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 10/25/2010


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