
"BP Lavishes Free Sports, Entertainment Tickets on CA Govt Workers"

"Petroleum giant BP's corporate sponsorship of Arco Arena has been lucrative for the Sacramento Kings during a long run that's set to end next year. It's also been a sweet deal for state Capitol workers. Since 2000, Arco's parent company has lavished more than $430,000 in the form of free tickets to basketball games, concerts and other arena events on lawmakers, their staff members and relatives, according to a Bee review of lobbyist disclosures by BP."

Source: Sacramento Bee, 10/12/2010

"Lead Producer to Pay $7M Fine, Spend $65M on Cleanups"

"St. Louis-based Doe Run Resources Corp., the nation's largest lead producer, will pay a $7 million civil penalty and spend about $65 million more to resolve alleged violations of federal pollution laws at the company's facilities in Missouri, U.S. EPA and the Justice Department announced Friday."

Source: Greenwire, 10/12/2010
November 8, 2010

The Truth About Florida: What We Really Should Know About Planning, Land Use and the Environment

A free one-day educational conference for Florida journalists on planning and land use issues and related environmental impacts.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 28, 2010

GHG Reporting Rule So Far: Lessons Learned and Changes to Consider

This seminar looks at the implementation of the reporting rule as we near the end of 2010, and the issues that will likely arise as the first reporting deadline in March 2011 draws near. The seminar will also explore the recent proposed and final amendments to the rule, particularly regarding confidentiality of reported information.



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