
October 18, 2010 to October 19, 2010

Great Lakes Water Conservation Conference

This event brings together craft brewers, cheese makers, and policy makers in water conservation, to discuss best practices for water savings in Madison, WI.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 22, 2010

DEADLINE: Watchdog Fund, Florida Center for Investigative Reporting

The FCIR Watchdog Fund is particularly interested in funding projects dealing with government corruption, waste and inefficiency; immigration; environment; education; and social justice. Proposals will be accepted until the extended deadline of Oct. 22, 2010.


"Gas Plans Divide Central Pennsylvania Community"

"The tension between drillers in Pennsylvania's gas-rich Marcellus shale and communities trying protect natural resources has reached a fevered pitch in Clinton County, where a zoning hearing board resigned rather than allow a water withdrawal station at a scenic bend of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River that draws kayakers, hang gliders, hunters and fly fishermen."

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 09/27/2010

"Industry, Regulators Ignored Coal-Dust Meters"

For years, mine safety experts urged the Mine Safety and Health Administration to require coal-dust monitors in mines. Mining companies and MSHA resisted. Now Massey Energy Co. is using the lack of such monitors as an argument to deny charges that it did not do enough to control the buildup of explosive coal dust at its Upper Big Branch Mine, where 29 workers died in a massive blast on April 5.

Source: Charleston Gazette, 09/27/2010


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