
"Dengue Re-emerges in U.S., Spurring Race for Vaccine"

"For the first time in more than 65 years, dengue has returned the continental United States, according to an advisory the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued in late May. While a few cases were reported earlier, they were primarily in Americans who had caught the virus abroad or at the Texas-Mexico border."

Source: Greenwire, 06/29/2010

"Stormy Weather Could Delay Oil Spill Cleanup Efforts"

"In the Gulf of Mexico, Tropical Storm Alex is threatening to build into a full-blown hurricane. It could threaten the coast of Texas or Mexico, but at this point it does not appear to be headed for the blown-out oil well off Louisiana. Even so, it's quite possible that the storm could spawn 10- to 12-foot waves, which could sweep across the Gulf and complicate efforts to control the spewing oil well."

Source: NPR, 06/29/2010
July 20, 2010

Modernizing the NEPA Process in the Context of the Gulf Disaster

At this Environmental Law Institute event, a panel will briefly outline the NEPA processes surrounding approval of drilling for oil in the BP/Deepwater Horizon incident and then discuss the role of so-called "categorical exclusions."



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