
"Bering Sea Pollock Survey Finds Fewer Fish Than Anticipated"

"Government researchers have released data indicating that Alaska's Bering Sea pollock population remains low. ... The pollock fishery in the eastern Bering is the nation's largest commercial fish harvest by weight, and it is Alaska's most valuable fishery, worth nearly $1 billion annually."
Source: Anchorage Daily News, 09/21/2009

"Climate Week Kicks off in New York With Bigwigs and Big Hopes"

"On Tuesday, the U.N. is holding a day-long Climate Summit (alongside its annual, two-week General Assembly) in New York City. And on Thursday and Friday, the Group of 20 (G20) leading world economies is gathering in Pittsburgh, its third meeting of the year to deal with the global economic meltdown."
Source: Grist, 09/21/2009
September 23, 2009 to September 26, 2009

Breaking the Color Barrier in the Great Outdoors

Population demographics are changing. Are there sufficient outreach efforts to engage all Americans in the Great Outdoors?
Topics on the Beat: 

Leaked memo: California could face major lawsuits if Schwarzenegger closes state parks

California taxpayers could be on the hook for millions of dollars in damages if the Schwarzenegger administration moves ahead with plans to close as many as 100 state parks, according to an internal memo drafted by the state parks department's attorneys.
Source: San Jose Mercury News, 09/19/2009


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