
"Gulf Drilling Safer 13 Years After BP Spill, But Major Gaps Remain: Report

"The safety of oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has dramatically improved since the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, but progress has been uneven and critical gaps must be addressed to prevent accidents that can threaten workers, the environment and public health, a report released Tuesday by the National Academy of Sciences said."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 04/05/2023

CFCs Are Back on the Rise Following an International Ban, New Study Finds

"A U.S. chemical plant in Louisiana that produces a common refrigerant may be partly to blame for increased emissions of CFCs—chemicals thousands of times more potent at warming the planet than carbon dioxide."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/04/2023

England’s Top Beaches Faced 8,500 Hours Of Sewage Dumping Last Year: Study

"England’s most celebrated beaches faced 8,500 hours of sewage dumping last year, new figures show. Many beaches with blue flag status– an international mark of recognition that a beach is deemed safe and has good water quality – were found to have been covered in waste over the last 12 months."

Source: Guardian, 04/04/2023

Majority-Black Town Fights To Stop Land Seizure For Gravel Quarry Rail Link

"A majority-Black rural community in Georgia is battling to stop a railroad company from seizing private land for a new train line they say will cause environmental and economic harms."

Source: Guardian, 04/04/2023


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