Covering Pollution: A Guidebook from SEJ and IRE
Ever wonder how they got that prize-winning environmental story? Where she found that perfect set of data? Who he called for that crucial piece of information?
Site Map
Find SEJ content lists all in one place.
SEJ's Vision and Mission
Read about SEJ's vision, mission, values, objectives and activities.
SEJ Strategic Plan 2006 - 2008
Read SEJ's 2006-2008 strategic plan, submitted by SEJ Executive Director Beth Parke and approved by the board of directors September 28, 2005, in Austin, Texas.
SEJ's History
The Society of Environmental Journalists was founded in 1990 by a small group of award-winning journalists, including reporters, editors and producers working for The Philadelphia Inquirer, USA Today, Turner Broadcasting, Minnesota Public Radio and National Geographic. Today, SEJ's membership includes more than 1,500 journalists and academics working in every type of news media in the United States, Canada, Mexico and 27 other countries.
SEJ Funding Sources — Support Hard-Hitting Environmental Journalism
The next year will be an important one for environmental journalism. We need your support to ensure that the Society of Environmental Journalists can continue its important work supporting hard-hitting environmental reporting. As a nonprofit, we rely on your donations to help us make that work possible. Can you make a year-end gift now? Please give generously and share SEJ's donor link with your followers today: Now more than ever, you make the difference!

Board Election Policies and Procedures
Find everything you need to know about SEJ's annual election to the Board of Directors.
SEJ Bylaws
As Revised at Annual Meetings of the SEJ Membership Oct. 5, 1991, Oct. 23, 1993, Oct. 4, 1997, Oct. 29, 2004, Oct. 17, 2008, Oct. 9, 2009, Oct. 15, 2010, Nov. 21, 2020, Sept. 24, 2022 and Sept. 23, 2023.
SEJ Board & Staff
Meet your 2024-25 board of directors! The Society of Environmental Journalists held its Board of Directors election on Saturday, September 28. SEJ members re-elected Tony Barboza, Tik Root and Mark Schapiro, who return as Active-member representatives, and Rebecca Leber, who returns as the Associate-member representative. SEJ also welcomes three new board members in the Active category: Meg McGuire, Molly Peterson and Caleigh Wells. We wish a fond farewell and many thanks for their service to Jenny Bogo, Rico Moore and Luke Runyon. SEJ also welcomes Lisa Palmer to the staff as Editorial Director for Events!
