
"Marine Commission: Whale Deaths Not Linked To Wind Prep Work"

"An independent scientific agency that advises the federal government on policies that could impact marine mammals said there is no evidence linking site preparation work for offshore wind farms with a number of whale deaths along the U.S. East Coast."

Source: AP, 02/23/2023

"Citing Birds And Bees, Groups Petition EPA To Close Pesticide Loophole"

"The US should overhaul regulation of a class of insecticides tied to excessive honey bee and bird deaths, according to a citizen petition filed Wednesday with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by a coalition of more than 60 nonprofit groups."

Source: The New Lede, 02/23/2023

"How Widespread Are These Toxic Chemicals? They’re Everywhere."

"Polar bears in the Arctic and plankton in the Pacific. Cardinals in Atlanta and crocodiles in South Africa." "Researchers created a map showing where PFAS compounds, linked to cancer in humans, have been detected in wildlife. It spans the globe."

Source: NYTimes, 02/23/2023

"Australia To Make Area The Size Of Germany A Marine Park In Southern Ocean"

"The Australian government plans to make an area about the size of Germany in the Southern Ocean a marine zone, strengthening protections around Macquarie Island for millions of penguins and seals."

Source: Guardian, 02/23/2023

Feds Slash Gulf Wind Farm Areas To Make Room For Drilling, Shipping, Fishing

"A new wind energy lease sale plan released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management slashes the Gulf’s offshore wind energy development areas by two-thirds, potentially reducing the amount of jobs and clean energy the region’s leaders had hoped wind farms would generate in the coming years."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/23/2023

"Railroads Fought to Crush Rules That Biden Aims to Revive After Ohio Derailment"

"Long before this month’s fiery derailment, railroad industry leaders battled regulations meant to boost freight train safety, including plans to bolster some of the very same tank cars that ruptured and released chemicals in eastern Ohio."

Source: Bloomberg Green, 02/23/2023

"Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks In Focus On Visit To Ohio Toxic Train Site"

"Donald Trump’s record of rolling back environmental protections was highlighted by critics on Wednesday as the ex-president visited the town of East Palestine, Ohio, and called the federal response to the toxic train derailment there earlier this month a “betrayal”.

Source: Guardian, 02/23/2023


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