
Eco-Muckrakers, Dig In — Writing for Nonprofit Ecology and Conservation Magazines

Freelancers looking to explore complex environmental issues may want to consider magazines published by … environmental organizations. Despite the caveats, like ensuring a publication’s editorial independence and guarding against organizational self-promotion, long-time environmental writer Francesca Lyman makes the case in the latest Freelance Files that the pros of such gigs outweigh the cons. Plus a sampler of pubs to approach.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
February 24, 2023

FIJ/INN Webinar: How to Develop and Manage Collaborative Investigations

This Fund for Investigative Journalism/Institute for Nonprofit News webinar will be led by Dianna Hunt, Senior Editor at Indian Country Today and a member of FIJ’s Board of Directors, and Bridget Thoreson, INN’s Director of Collaborations. They will share tips for both news organizations and freelancers, and more. 11:30 a.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Biden and Lula Project Unity On Democratic Values And Climate Change"

"U.S. President Joe Biden met on Friday with Brazilian leftist President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in a reboot of relations between the hemisphere's two largest democracies after the end of Donald Trump ally Jair Bolsonaro's stormy rule."

Source: Reuters, 02/13/2023

"U.S. EPA Announces $1 Billion For New Hazardous Waste Cleanups"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday announced 22 new sites that will benefit from $1 billion in funding from a program designed to remediate hazardous waste sites, such as landfills, mines and manufacturing facilities."

Source: Reuters, 02/13/2023

"Report: Companies’ Climate Targets Not What They Claim To Be"

"Climate commitments by companies aren’t always as green as they seem. A new report concludes major brands are exaggerating how ambitious their efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions are — in effect misleading consumers, investors and governments."

Source: AP, 02/13/2023


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