Australia & Oceania

"Climate Change Put Tuvalu In The Spotlight"

"Australia and Pacific Island state Tuvalu on Friday signed a security and climate change treaty designed to counter China's growing influence in the Pacific and address the low-lying island nation's concerns about rising seas induced by climate change."

Source: Reuters, 11/13/2023

"For New Zealand’s Maori Communities, Climate Change Is Already Hurting"

"TANGOIO, New Zealand — The wharenui, or meeting house, stood forlorn. Usually the hub of this remote Maori community, it had been stripped of its wooden carvings. The bare cinder block shell gave the building an unclothed appearance. Wind whistled through holes bashed out by floodwaters."

Source: Washington Post, 10/30/2023

"Facing 'Horrific' Pacific Rise, Tuvalu Crafts Climate Survival Plan"

"Fearing "horrific" risks from a rising ocean that could swamp low-lying islands, the Pacific nation of Tuvalu aims to reinforce its coasts in a novel partnership with Australia aimed at helping the developing island state adapt to climate change."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 09/22/2023

"Green Groups Slam World Bank For Backing Indonesian Coal Plants"

"Environmental groups have submitted a formal complaint to the World Bank for providing financial support for two coal-fired power plants in Indonesia, violating a pledge to stop backing fossil fuels."

Source: Reuters, 09/15/2023

"Indonesia Cracks Down on the Scourge of Imported Plastic Waste"

"When China banned plastic waste imports in 2018, exporters in wealthy countries targeted other developing nations. Faced with an unending stream of unrecyclable waste, Indonesia has tightened its regulations and has begun to make progress in stemming the plastics flow."

Source: YaleE360, 08/02/2023


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