Australia & Oceania

Long a Climate Straggler, Australia Advances Major Bill to Cut Emissions

"After years of being denounced as a laggard on climate change, Australia shifted course on Thursday, with the Lower House of Parliament passing a bill that commits the government to reducing carbon emissions by at least 43 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, and reaching net zero by 2050."

Source: NYTimes, 08/04/2022

Shocking Report Shows How Australian Land And Wildlife Are Being Destroyed

"The health of Australia’s environment is poor and has deteriorated over the past five years due to pressures of climate change, habitat loss, invasive species, pollution and mining, according to a government report that warns the natural world holds the key to human wellbeing and survival."

Source: Guardian, 07/19/2022

Australian Prime Minister Pledges 'New Era' of Climate Action Under Labor

"Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has promised a “new era” of climate action and energy innovation under his center-left Labor government, despite criticism from activists and Greens Party lawmakers who say that his planned cuts to emissions don’t go far enough."

Source: Bloomberg, 07/12/2022
February 10, 2025

DEADLINE: Mongabay's Y. Eva Tan Conservation Reporting Fellowship Program

Mongabay's six-month, twice-yearly remote program will support up to 12 young and aspiring journalists from the world's biodiversity hotspots — six at their global English bureau and six at their Spanish-language bureau. No educational prerequisites. Monthly stipend of $500 USD. Next deadline: Feb 10, 2025.


How 'Rights of Nature' Is Recasting the Relationship Between Law and the Earth

In 2006, a local government council in Pennsylvania concerned about sewage sludge dumping enacted the Western legal system’s first formal “rights of nature” instrument. Today, numerous countries have laws recognizing specific rights or even legal personhood for nature. As legal expert Alice Bleby explains, this new perspective arises from a wide range of contexts and plays out in many different ways.

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May 31, 2024

DEADLINE: IJA/AAJA Pacific Islander Journalism Scholarship

This funding from the Indigenous Journalists Association  and the Asian American Journalists Association aims to help Indigenous peoples of the Pacific pursue careers in journalism. The goal is to improve Oceania representation and storytelling in the news media industry. Two scholarships of $5,000. Deadline: May 31, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

A Castoff Bumper Leads to a Literary ‘Autobiography’ of Plastic

Environmental writer Allison Cobb, in “Plastic: An Autobiography,” tells the story of the ubiquitous material through a series of interwoven narratives that range from her own experiences with it (including a discarded plastic car bumper), to the corporate origins of its spread and the way it’s now dangerously carpeting nature and damaging human communities. Contributor Nano Riley has a review in our new BookShelf.

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