
Ontario: "Neonicotinoids Use Restrictions Enacted, Beekeepers Rejoice"

"Neonicotinoids restrictions enacted in Ontario have beekeepers in Canada rejoicing, and their peers in others regions and nations hopeful for similar legislation. The Ontario neonicotinoids restrictions state that the chemical pesticides popular with biotech giants like Monsanto will be restricted by 80 percent by 2017."

Source: Inquisitr, 01/05/2015

Edelman’s TransCanada Astroturf Docs Expose Oil Industry PR Attack

"Documents obtained by Greenpeace detail a desperate astroturf PR strategy designed by Edelman for TransCanada to win public support for its Energy East tar sands export pipeline. TransCanada has failed for years to win approval of the controversial border-crossing Keystone XL pipeline, so apparently the company has decided to 'win ugly or lose pretty' with an aggressive public relations attack on its opponents."

Source: DeSmogBlog, 11/18/2014
November 6, 2014

The Chill in Canada's Climate Science: A CJFE Live Chat

Find out why our government is shutting the public out of environmental research, and what Canadians can do to thaw the chill around climate science. Join Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, 1-2pm on Nov 6, for an online interactive chat with Toronto Star environment reporter Raveena Aulakh and leading Canadian atmospheric scientist Dr. Tom Duck.



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