
‘Endangered’ USGS Pesticide Database Shows Wide Chemical Impact

Pesticides are a major environmental and public health issue — harming vulnerable human populations, as well as contributing to declines in insect populations and even the birds that feed on them. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox explores an invaluable government database that reports estimates of county-level use of a wide array of these chemicals, but which recently faced severe cutbacks. Read more about the Pesticide National Synthesis Project.

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Financing of Meat and Dairy Giants Grows Thanks to Big American Banks

"The world’s biggest banks and investors are continuing to funnel billions of dollars to carbon-intensive industrial livestock companies, undermining their own pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions and fueling an ongoing boom in meat and milk production that threatens global climate goals."

Source: Inside Climate News, 07/03/2024

"Oral History Project Preserves Black and Indigenous Food Traditions"

"The Heirloom Gardens Project records the stories of elders and honors both long-held expertise and culturally meaningful foods."

Source: Civil Eats, 06/05/2024

"Congress Weighs Delaying Farm Bill Over SNAP and Climate Disputes"

"A battle that ties food aid for needy families with crop subsidies for American farmers may stall efforts to renew a sweeping agricultural policy law, forcing Congress to consider delaying action on the $1.5 trillion proposal until after this fall’s elections."

Source: Washington Post, 06/04/2024

House GOP Farm Bill ‘Robs Peter To Pay Paul,’ Agriculture Secretary Says

"The House Agriculture committee is trying to fund its farm bill proposals with “counterfeit money,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told reporters Wednesday morning. Vilsack spoke after a range of groups from across the political spectrum criticized House Republicans’ proposed farm bill, which seeks to direct tens of billions to subsidies for farmers of peanuts, rice and cotton."

Source: The Hill, 05/24/2024


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