
June 6, 2013

Canadian Science in Crisis: Research, Responsibility and the Right to Speak

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression presents renowned Canadian climatologist Dr. Gordon McBean in conversation with journalist Anna Maria Tremonti, host of CBC’s “The Current”, about the importance of free expression to the scientific field and what happens to scientific endeavours when the right to free expression is restricted. The event will be filmed and posted to their website the following day.

Topics on the Beat: 

Canadian Info Watchdog Probes Harper Govt's Muzzling of Scientists

Canada's Information Commissioner Suzanne Legault will be investigating the muzzling of Canadian scientists — a perennial complaint of SEJ's Canadian members who can not freely interview tax-funded scientists about subjects like climate. SEJ has twice urged Environment Canada to end such media policies, receiving no answer.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Canada Think Tank To Save Freshwater Fisheries Research Facility

"OTTAWA — Some federal scientists working at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans may soon gain new freedom to control their research and speak in public, under a tentative deal announced Thursday to transfer management of a world-renowned freshwater research facility that opened in 1968."

Source: Postmedia, 05/10/2013

Whodunit? The Case of the Disappearing Dilbit

InsideClimate News' Lisa Song notes that US EPA's website had originally shown 1,149,460 gallons of oil recovered from the 2010 Enbridge spill near Kalamazoo, Michigan. Sometime in mid-March 2013, she reports, that number was removed from the EPA site and replaced by one much lower, the amount Enbridge claims was spilled.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

"California Urges Record $2.5 Billion Fine for Natural Gas Blast"

"Pacific Gas and Electric Co. could face a record fine for a deadly 2010 natural gas pipeline explosion in a San Francisco suburb. Officials hope it will help prevent future accidents while some warn that rising natural gas demand is outpacing investment in energy infrastructure."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 05/08/2013


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