
Annual AAAS Meeting Offers Many Environmental Stories

This year's meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Feb 16-20 in Vancouver, BC, offers dozens of sessions on environmental topics — climate change, mineral resource dependency, water, critique of science journalism, disaster recovery, science integrity in government agencies, and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
March 15, 2024

DEADLINE: Heinrich Böll Foundation's Transatlantic Media Fellowships

The fellowships support journalists in researching stories in the EU. It has a strong focus on recruiting journalists with diverse backgrounds who might not otherwise have the opportunity to do international reporting. In 2024, policy areas include climate & energy policy, among others. Cash stipend for in-person or digital fellowship. Apply by Mar 15.


"Obama Administration Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline"

"President Obama, denouncing a 'rushed and arbitrary deadline' set by congressional Republicans, announced Wednesday that he was rejecting a Canadian firm's application for a permit to build and operate the Keystone XL pipeline, a massive project that would have stretched from Canada's oil sands to refineries in Texas.

Source: Wash Post, 01/19/2012
May 13, 2012 to May 19, 2012

International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas

The International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas is part of an ongoing degrowth discussion, including conferences held in Paris (2008) and Barcelona (2010), and another to be held in Venice in September 2012 which present opportunities for learning how to avert ecological collapse while enhancing social justice and improving life’s prospects.


Big Canadian Fish Farm Firm Seeks to Criminalize, Silence Environmental Critics

Mainstream Canada, the nation's second-largest farmed-salmon producer — and a subsidiary of an even more gargantuan Danish transnational holding company — will try to crush and silence environmental activist Don Staniford, who has had the temerity to criticize their operations publicly.

SEJ Publication Types: 
January 26, 2012 to January 29, 2012

Guelph Organic Conference of 2012 - Seeds of Cooperation

The 2012 Guelph Organic Conference is a 4-day workshop program with a 2-day Expo (Expo is Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 28-29, only). Offerings include organics for smallholders, livestock management, seed saving, and health benefits of organic food.




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