
"The Rapid and Startling Decline Of World’s Vast Boreal Forests"

"Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of the huge boreal forest that spans from Scandinavia to northern Canada. Unprecedented warming in the region is jeopardizing the future of a critical ecosystem that makes up nearly a third of the earth’s forest cover."

Source: YaleE360, 10/14/2015

"Scientists Say We Are ‘on Pace’ To Cause a Mass Extinction of Frogs"

"A researcher from Macquarie University in Australia has published a study examining recent extinctions within two vulnerable groups of animals — reptiles and amphibians — and the results are cause for alarm. Most notably, they indicate that approximately 200 frog species have already gone extinct, and hundreds more may be on their way out."

Source: Wash Post, 10/08/2015


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