
June 12, 2024

Yale Center for Environmental Communication: Is Climate Change to Blame?

After an extreme weather event, people often ask: is climate change to blame? Join the Yale Center for Environmental Communication for an insightful discussion on attribution science — a field focused on determining the influence of human-induced climate change on extreme weather events. Noon - 1 pm ET.

June 13, 2024

Mongabay Webinar: How to Cover Planetary Health

This installment of Mongabay’s free webinar series for journalists will explore important context, story ideas and key lines of inquiry for reporters covering environmental change in the Anthropocene, the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on nature. 9 pm UTC / 5 pm EDT.


‘Green’ Steel: Five Things To Know About the U.S. Transition

Plans for two new U.S. facilities that will use hydrogen instead of coal to make steel hold the promise of decarbonizing this essential but dirty industry. But don’t expect overnight change. Reporter Maria Gallucci looks at the complexities of making the switch, from ditching the ​blast furnace to reducing pollution all along the supply chain.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Mangroves Protect Communities From Storms. Half Are At Risk, Report Finds

"Half of the world's mangrove ecosystems, with trees whose roots stretch down into brackish water, are at risk of collapse. That's according to the first assessment from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, a leading scientific authority on the status of species and ecosystems. The new report finds that sea level rise fueled by climate change is the biggest risk."

Source: NPR, 05/23/2024

Half Of World's Pastures Degraded By Overuse, Climate Change: UN Report

"Half the world's natural pasture land has been degraded by overexploitation and the impact of climate change, putting food supplies and livelihoods in peril, the United Nations body in charge of fighting desertification said on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 05/23/2024


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