Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

"Top Polluted Great Lakes Sites Decades From Recovery"

"Despite huge progress made in reducing chemical discharges since the 1960s, many birds nesting across the Great Lakes region still struggle to reproduce or they give birth to chicks with twisted beaks or other deformities — signs that a full recovery is still likely decades away for some of the region’s most historically polluted areas."

Source: Toledo Blade, 03/12/2015

Coast Guard Spill Database Rendered Almost Useless for Reporters

There used to be a searchable, online database of oil and chemical spill reports that reporters could turn to in an emergency to get insight into important breaking news. But ham-handed security efforts have sabotaged the public's right to know. Right now, emergency responders are working on a spill of a cancer-causing fuel additive known as MTBE. But news reporters probably couldn't get much if any helpful information from the database today (we checked).

SEJ Publication Types: 

"2 States, Feds Appealing Judge's Ruling on Great Lakes Wolves"

"The Obama administration and two states have given notice of plans to appeal a federal judge's order that restored legal protection to gray wolves in the western Great Lakes region.The Obama administration and two states have given notice of plans to appeal a federal judge's order that restored legal protection to gray wolves in the western Great Lakes region."

Source: AP, 03/02/2015

PUCO Rejects Deal To Have Ratepayers Subsidize a Coal-Fired Power Plant

"The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio made history Wednesday in a ruling refusing to allow AEP Ohio to saddle ratepayers with extra charges to subsidize the continued operation of a 1950s-era coal-fired power plant that it owns along with FirstEnergy and other state utilities."

Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer, 02/27/2015


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