Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

"EPA: Civil Rights Advocates Despair After Decades of Agency Inaction"

"FLINT, Mich. -- In 1994, activists opposing the construction of a wood-fired power plant here asked U.S. EPA for help, arguing the project would spew toxic pollutants into their poor, largely African-American neighborhood."

Source: Greenwire, 02/20/2015

"Local Governments Cannot Regulate Fracking, Ohio Supreme Court Rules"

"Lamenting that the 'oil and gas industry has gotten its way,' Ohio Supreme Court Justice William M. O’Neill has tongue-in-cheek visions of drilling rigs rising amid the homes of Upper Arlington. By a 4-3 vote, the justices ruled that the state has 'exclusive authority' and that cities and counties can neither ban nor regulate fracking through zoning laws or other restrictions."

Source: Columbus Dispatch, 02/20/2015

"Plan Targets Farmers in 3 States To Reduce Lake Erie Algae"

"Farmers in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana are being asked to be part of the solution in fixing the algae problem in Lake Erie. Federal officials on Friday outlined a program that will make $17.5 million available to farmers who take steps to reduce the pollutants that wash away from the fields and help the algae thrive."

Source: AP, 01/20/2015

"Utilities-Backed Dark Money Group Sparking Energy Debate in Michigan"

"Though partisan gridlock is the political buzzword of the day, it's another kind of grid that's making political sparks fly in Michigan. There, two powerful utility companies — Consumers Energy and DTE Energy — control the lion's share of the electric grid and appear to be behind a new advocacy effort that coincides with the start of a new legislative session."

Source: Sunlight Foundation, 01/16/2015


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