Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

PFOS: "3M Pollution Study Finds Mixed Results

"Levels of PFOS, a chemical manufactured by 3M Co. for a variety of commercial uses until about 10 years ago, have improved significantly in the Mississippi River between Hastings and St. Paul -- except for the area around the company's Cottage Grove plant, where they have worsened."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 01/29/2013

"In Midwest, Bringing Back Native Prairies Yard by Yard"

"Across the U.S. Midwest, homeowners are restoring their yards and former farmland to the native prairie that existed in pre-settlement days. The benefits can be substantial -- maintenance that uses less water and no fertilizer, and an ecosystem that supports wildflowers and wildlife."

Source: YaleE360, 12/21/2012

"Pace Of Hazardous Waste Cleanup Frustrates DePue Residents"

"DEPUE, Ill. -- This tiny village tucked into the Illinois River Valley is known for its lake, a tranquil body of tree-lined water that has drawn thousands of spectators to a national boat race for nearly 30 years. But most visitors heading to Lake DePue must pass another village landmark before reaching the shore — a pile of contaminated slag weighing at least 570,000 tons that looms over the main road into town, left behind by a zinc smelter that employed many locals for decades."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 12/17/2012


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