Great Plains (IA KS ND NE MO SD)

"Second Radioactive Oil Waste Site Found in North Dakota"

"North Dakota this week confirmed the discovery of a new radioactive dump of waste from oil drilling. And separately, a company hired to clean up similar waste found in February at another location said it had removed more than double the amount of radioactive material originally estimated to be there."

Source: Aljazeera America, 04/28/2014

"Fire-Setting Ranchers Have Burning Desire To Save Tallgrass Prairie"

"For the past month, in part of eastern Kansas, the prairie has been burning, as it does almost every spring. On some days, you could look toward the horizon in any direction and see pillars of smoke. The plumes of pollution have traveled so far that they've violated limits for particulates or ozone in cities as far away as Lincoln, Neb."

Source: NPR, 04/28/2014

"100s Of Children Diagnosed With Lead Poisoning In St. Louis Each Year"

"The city of St. Louis has been working to reduce lead poisoning since the health department introduced a lead program in the 1940s. Since that time great strides have been made. But the danger of exposure to lead still exists in the city, and screenings reveal more than a thousand cases of elevated blood lead levels each year."

Source: St. Louis Public Radio, 03/18/2014

"Register Investigation: Iowa's Asbestos Inspectors Overloaded"

"A contractor’s complaint has prompted closer scrutiny of possible asbestos exposure involving workers at a downtown Des Moines renovation project, but an inspector doesn’t even visit hundreds of sites across Iowa each year where workers could face risks from the cancer-causing material."

Source: Des Moines Register, 03/03/2014


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