Great Plains (IA KS ND NE MO SD)

"Industry in North Dakota to Cut Flared Natural Gas"

"HOUSTON — Faced with growing criticism and lawsuits, an oil industry task force representing hundreds of companies in North Dakota pledged on Wednesday to make an all-out effort to capture almost all the natural gas that is being flared in the Bakken shale oil field by the end of the decade."

Source: NY Times, 01/30/2014

"As Oil Floods Plains Towns, Crime Pours In"

"SIDNEY, Mont. -- One cold morning last year, a math teacher jogging through her hometown in eastern Montana was abducted, strangled and buried in a shallow grave. Charged in her death were two drifters from Colorado, drawn to the region by the allure of easy money in the oil fields."

Source: NY Times, 12/02/2013

"In North Dakota, New Concerns Over Mixing Oil and Wheat"

"ROSS, N.D. — While three generations of the Sorenson family have made their livelihood growing wheat and other crops here, they also have learned to embrace the furious pace of North Dakota’s oil exploration. After all, oil money helped the Sorensons acquire the land and continue to farm it."

Source: NY Times, 10/18/2013


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