Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

November 13, 2012 to November 14, 2012

Workshop: Understanding the Connections between Coastal Waters and Ocean Ecosystem Services and Human Health

This free National Academies Institute of Medicine workshop in Washington DC will bring together members of the ecology, ecosystem services, and health communities to gain a better understanding of the connections between coastal waterways and ocean processes and public health risks and benefits. A live webcast of the workshop will also be available for those who are unable to attend in person.

October 9, 2012

Beyond Seven Billion: Reporting on Population, Environment, and Security

From his research and travels to report "Beyond Seven Billion," a landmark five-part series published in the Los Angeles Times, reporter Kenneth R. Weiss will share his stories about the impact of population growth on natural resources, food supply, and conflict in Afghanistan, India, Kenya, China, and the Philippines — and the challenges of covering this complex topic. Sponsored by the Environmental Change and Security Program, the SEJ, the Africa Program, and the Asia Program in Washington, DC. Can't attend in person? The archived webcast will be available approximately one week after the posted meeting time.

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September 19, 2012 to September 25, 2012

Lewis M. Branscomb Science and Democracy Forum-Sept 19th, 25th

Join the Union of Concerned Scientists (USC) Center for Science and Democracy for a forum on barriers to citizen access to governmental scientific information. Attend the symposium via webcast or in person at the Newseum (limited seating) from 8:30 to Noon EDT. The session is free but requires registration.


Court Again Rejects Demands for Climate Scientist's E-Mails

A Va. court ruled Sept. 17, 2012 that e-mails generated by climate scientist Michael Mann when he worked at the Univ. of Virginia were exempt from the state's FOIA. Mann has been the target of repeated attacks by climate change deniers due to his famous "hockey stick" graph of global temperature records and indicators.

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