"DeSantis Takeover of Wetland Permits Erects New Building Hurdles"

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, determined to untangle housing, mines, and other development from time-consuming environmental reviews, asked the Trump administration in its closing months to let the state take over permits for building on federal wetlands from the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 04/18/2023

Fort Lauderdale Was Inundated With 1/3 Of Its Annual Rainfall Within Hours

"The city’s main hospital was knocked offline for all but emergency procedures. Floodwaters shorted out the electrical equipment and generators at City Hall. And for the second straight day, one of the nation’s busiest airports was closed, stranding tens of thousands of travelers."

Source: Washington Post, 04/17/2023

Greens Sue EPA Over Refinery Water Pollution, Including In Louisiana

"Several environmental groups are suing federal regulators over what they say is a failure to set safe limits on harmful chemicals pouring into waterways from refineries, including eight facilities in Louisiana that are considered among the nation’s top polluters."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 04/12/2023

"Florida Health Officials Removed Key Data From COVID Vaccine Report"

"The surgeon general’s guidance against the vaccine for young men ignored results showing infection was a greater risk for cardiac-related deaths."

"Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo announced in October that young men should not get the COVID-19 vaccine, guidance that runs counter to medical advice issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Source: Tampa Bay Times, 04/10/2023

Is EV-Driven Demand for Lithium on Collision Course With Environment Concerns?

The push to replace gas-guzzling vehicles with electric-powered alternatives is hitting significant speed bumps. The existing supply of lithium for batteries can’t keep up with demand, and new mining proposals often face opposition from area residents worried about local impacts. Radio reporter David Boraks has been covering one such conflict in North Carolina. He shares his insights and reporting tips.

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CFCs Are Back on the Rise Following an International Ban, New Study Finds

"A U.S. chemical plant in Louisiana that produces a common refrigerant may be partly to blame for increased emissions of CFCs—chemicals thousands of times more potent at warming the planet than carbon dioxide."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/04/2023

Majority-Black Town Fights To Stop Land Seizure For Gravel Quarry Rail Link

"A majority-Black rural community in Georgia is battling to stop a railroad company from seizing private land for a new train line they say will cause environmental and economic harms."

Source: Guardian, 04/04/2023

How Reporting Helped Reverse Collapse of Red Wolf Reintroduction Program

If the government is already struggling to protect iconic creatures like the endangered red wolf from extinction in the wild, how will it manage with other threatened species? That concern is at the core of an Inside Story Q&A with journalist Jimmy Tobias, whose award-winning feature turned stacks of dry documents into the story of one wolf’s death and helped turn things around. Watch a brief video summary from Tobias of what drove the collapse of the reintroduction program.

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